

Step 1 of 4

  • Upload Data

  • Unique Clips to be loaded to first site, where we create your data

  • Unique Clips to be loaded to first site, where you provide us your data

  • Additional cliploads you want the above clips added to

    Cliploads = # of sites times # of unique clips, or total # of uploads (2 clips on 5 sites would be 10 cliploads)
  • Other Services

  • Our time to edit your content/clip

  • Our time to edit your content/clip [per 1/2 hr (or minimum)]

  • Search and request DMCA takedowns

  • Search and request DMCA takedowns [ per 1/2 hour (our minimum)]

  • Ad hoc services/special requests [per 1/2 hr (our minimum)]

Your data includes all the variable data encountered on each site for uploads, such as a title, a full description, your price, keywords/tags, an mp4 preview, gif, an image and any other attributes (like featured, part of a collection, scheduled release date, etc.)

  • Your price includes taxes. We will reduce item sell price and pay applicable taxes to the states
  • Ex. 6% tax on an order for $20 would become a $18.86 purchase with 6% tax
  • We give 5% of NET proceeds to Pineapple Support Monthly – helping our community