


Already have a bunch of clips on one site and simply want someone to load them to other sites?  We can do that for just $3.50 a clip!

Want us to create your data* and then replicate clips to your other sites? *your data includes all the variable data encountered on each site for uploads, such as a title, a full description, your price, keywords/tags, an mp4 preview, gif, an image and any other attributes (like featured, part of a collection, scheduled release date, etc.)    You can provide this or we can create, again focused on your success and budget.

With your data* provided charge $5 for the first upload to one site, $3.50 for each additional site. For just $5 more we would be happy to create your data* on the first clipload

It stands to logic that we will need to have your credentials for each site to be able to upload your clips.  We ALSO need a copy of your downloadable clip. Some sites allow you to have an administrator profile which is also acceptable for our team.  Our upload service level agreement is to have your file uploaded with 48 hours of email acknowledgement of your order.  We strive to set all future timed releases to actuate at the same time, all current releases to activate immediately upon creation. (Customization available)

DMCA Takedown Requests

Do you want our team to send in DMCA notices for pirated illegal clips you have found on the web OR would you like to have our team find links and have them removed? This too is $35/hr and $20 for ½ hour.  Our first mission is to identify the links and request their active takedown. General rule of thumb, we spend ½ the time searching and the other ½ the time sending in notices.  DMCA takedowns can be complex.  You can purchase more time for DMCA Takedowns if you wish for our team to review successful takedown of content where we have sent notices OR if you wish us to take further action (like suppressing the search for that content on Google.)

While many of the clip stores and content platforms offer free DMCA takedown for you, quite often they are not responsive, provide you no tracking, or don’t take the time to do it right.

The pirated websites have 48 hours to ‘reply’.  Therefore, it is best to wait 72 hours from Takedown Request before asking us to check deletion or to take any other next step. Many pirate sites don’t reply at all and/or they only provide a form online that has NO tracking afterwards.

Our DMCA Takedown service level agreement is to act within 72 hours of your request and to provide you a list of Takedowns requested in that session.  For the more extensive services the agreement would also be 72 hours.


Do you like the creative artistic part of clip production and not the editing?  Our team edits your raw footage into clips for $35/hr or $20 for ½ hour.  Simply give us the footage.  General rule of thumb, for every minute of raw footage our edit time is 2-1/2 minutes.  So, a 10 minute unedited clip will take approximately 25 minutes for our team to view, splice, and render into a new clip. Our editing is done professionally in Adobe Premiere Pro.  At this time, we offer straight editing without special effects or additional creative services. 90% of clips published today are the basic, standard style without effects and if you have intros and exits or request watermarking, we can accommodate these additions.

Our editing service level agreement is to have the file back to you in 3-7 days (including weekends.)  A typical turn time is under 72 hours, however, our upload clientele are the priority.

Ad Hoc Services

We support your legal sex work and content.  Should there be other functions you would need assistance with, our team stands ready to help with hourly provided support.

Pineapple Support Charitable Donations

With the launch of our new website in April of 2020, we will be giving 5% of all proceeds at our company to Pineapple Support. Our mission is to support your work, and nothing proves this commitment more than giving back to our community. We will send our donations monthly and post to our Twitter so everyone can see the difference we all can make to each other.